Priscilla Jones

This week i visited Farfield Mill where the exhibition covered various crafts. I came across some pieces by Priscilla Jones, whose work i previously admired. I love how she collages various papers and fabrics then adds decoration and detail by machine stitch. Her subjects are usually simple such as tea cups, spoons and cakes, highlighting life's little pleasures and indulgences such as afternoon tea and cake. The combination of media in pastel colours along with choice in various grounds such as polka dots and stripes creates a whimsical, feminine feel.
I also saw the working progress of a in house textile designer, Mary Taylor, Specializing in embroidery. Her work was created by laying sheer fabrics, which were chosen so they could be burnt to reveal the different layers, then they were heavily machine stitched to keep the layers together. Her inspirations are taken from nature; from landscapes, rockfaces and rust and this is reflected in her pieces, through the choice of colour and stitch design.
Another artist whose work i found interesting was Clyde Olliver who used fragments of slate to create a composition, one was a human figure. I liked how he incorporated stitch into the slate, simply by piercing holes and putting a simple stitch through it. I think it was the contrast of materials which i was drawn to the most, the stitch against a hard surface, which also made it unique and reflected cave art where man made his mark on walls.