Saturday, 28 June 2008

Printed Textiles Final Degree Show

This week i visited the third years exhibition at Leeds College of Art and design. The work i thought was very impressive and to a high standard. It helped me a lot by giving me an idea of what is expected and it was good to see how people had developed their ideas. It was also good to see the range of work that was exhibited giving me an idea of the different pathways. There was wallpaper, cards, artists books, fashion, accessories, stationary, ceramics.
From what i saw i found the fashion outcomes the most inspiring for me, and is something i would like to look in to further. My favourite designs were by Elodie Smith, whose work employed print and Embroidery design. She had made some beautiful dresses which were very delicate with a nude colour palette and decorated with chiffon flowers adorned with beads. I have also got some of my favourite pieces of a few other students work that was exhibited.
Anna Buttery

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